Kem Jati Diri . 10th Genesis punya ! Sambungan Day 3 ! (Last Part)
This is gonna be last part about this camp .
And the last post for me to speaking english like terabur2 .
The next post will be about our majlis perpisahan mama n cikgu ida
Juga hari sukan kita .
Ukaii . Last post is about we slept in the tent , right ?
Then we wake up and subuh and breakfast .
After breakfast the activity was at the beach .
I am very happy .
In this activity , each group had to make a new game .
Using our creativity and inovative , logically and practically ,
We have about half an hour to complete the task .
Ada game , ada syarat .
The syarat for this game is we have to use 5 sumber semula jadi .
Group Limau (ehemehemehem) used kayu tulang sotong batu daun dan pasir .
Enough lima kan .
The name of Limaustylo's game is Throw-To-Win .
The idea came from Aimistylo and ditokok tambah oleh Ikhmalstylo dan yang lain lain .
After dikritik dan di observed oleh some teachers ,
We can looked at others .
Before that , our group played some demo as the presentation to teachers .
Then , i walked around the beach and reached the first group.
There , the first person wished me happy besday *ngehngehngeh*
I malu , I lari .
Bye .
Ukaii . semua berkumpul di sini !
Beratur ikut group .
Then , a wakil from a group had to explain apa yang kita dapat sepanjang aktiviti .
Wakil dari Limaustylo was Ikhmalstylo laa for sure kan .
Than , the teacher say the winner was group LIMAU !
Yeahh .
This is because Limau had Wina sounds like winner . *mwee*
And our games' name has WIN on it .
Takde laa . tipu jaa . Ini takdir nama nya .
Ukaii . Then we had a tea and biscuits .
After that , we have a task . Last task before naik bas dan tidur dan balik .
This task was we had to make an ikrar .
Limaustylo's was at the surau .
Our ikrar was so simple but mendalam .
*Awhhh . Imissmylimausikit2x*
Then , group Aliff kena starjump kot because they were late .
On the majlis penutup , we had to present our ikrar .

Then , Mr Yusri , Mr Akramin talk talk .
When , Mr Akramin talk , Muzstylo from Limaustylo slept .
We felt like waddehell ! He sat beside Mr Yusri !
Then everybody tried to woke him up .
Failed .
Then , last part .
We all solat asar and jump to the bus and sang happily .
So sweet .

Speech from 10th Genesis =
Bye Tanjung Resang .
Till we meet again .
We will miss you .
Please keep our memory there ukaii .
Even when the first time we stayed at you i feel like want to fireeee you .
But now i realize .
I love you so much .
Bye Tanjung Resang .
Take care of our beach , chalet , trees , surau and kubur baik2 .
We will meet you someday .
Bye , doakan kejayaan kami .
Ukaii . yang disana tolong jangan nak lap air mata sangat ukaii .
Sad ending .
Bubbai !
Bai !
Limaustylo !
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