Kem Jati Diri . 10th Genesis punya ! Sambungan Day 1 + Day 2 !
Ukaii . This is the sambungan from latest post .
On that night , Miss Akmal did some ice breaking so we can moved in a group .
In 2 big circles and 2 small circles , we all got a small paper .
On that piece of paper , written a type of fruit .
We must find whose among our friend had the same fruit written .
Me , got LIMAU . LIMAU ? yess , limau .
Around 10 minutes , all students found their own fruit group .
The next task is to find the facilitator .
The way to ask the teacher is , no voice can be use .
We all like orang bisu that time . Precious moment !
When the comel comel kacak kacak faci were found ,
We must sit in a circle involving those your fruit grouping .
Then , kenal kenal .
After kenal kenal , it's time for the talk talk before OBH .
Everybody's bulu roma had stand up .
Baekk punya BI .
We were given a password to recognize the person beside us is human or not .
The password is , " Bila orang cakap lampu , kita cakap suluh"
Ouhh . Ukaii .
Next , Cikgu Ku Li and all abang bomba lepaskan budak budak laki 10th Genesis dulu .
After a while , baru laa turn budak pompuan .
On the way , semua rebut2 nak ke depan .
Hek'elehhh . lek lek sudah .
Dah lepas sekolah , kubur apa semua ,
Kitorang diberi duduk kat satu kawasan sambil cikgu Ku Li bercerita .
He sets on his mind to tell us horror story .
But we , the girls from 10th Genesis boooed him . Ganas tak ?
No . It's not boooed actually .
Then , someone shouted Aina Nasuha demam .
Then , cikgu pujuk pujuk .
She can did her OBH challenge !
Bla3 . Penat speaking tanpa kamus .
Cikgu lepaskan budak pompuan .
Dalam perjalanan ke dalam , I saw someone sitting near the bushes .
Dalam keadaan separuh menjerit ,
Aku blah ke sebelah lain .
Teah tanya , kau siapa ?
Then , dia story2 cerita nak gempak .
Awhh kasihan dia ditinggalkan sorang2 .
Dia cerita gaya seram .
Then abang bomba semad panggil dia masuk lagi dalam .
Bla3 . walk and walk and walk .
Aq jadi antara 5 orang yang paling dalam .
All the time , my kerja is
'' Intan !" "ape?"
"Aishah !" "ya?"
" Acha !" "mende?"
"Reen!" "haa?"
"Jeng!" "i'm here.."
Menjerit - menjerit dan menjerit .
Tengok bintang .
Until 4:00 o'clock ,
That abang bomba woke me up and do some steretching .
Yeahh , the batu batu hurted me so much !
I feel like want to throw the batu to the abang bomba for lefting me alone lama sangat .
Then dia lepaskan and dia paksa lari .
Dah lari apa semua ,
Jalan dengan orang depan .
Teased by the teacher neither ustazah .
Ada yang menjerit .
Ada yang tersasul sasul alfatihah nya .
Ada yang jatuh .
Ada yang pecut .
Me ? Relax . Cool . Breath in . Breath out . Lalala~
Arrived at the campsite
Mrs Raimie was waiting for all the 10th Genesis .
She gave us some drink and let us went to toilet to throw anything .
Then , we sit in a line consist of 10 persons .
A member from a group had to explain the " apa yang kita dapat sepanjang OBH "
In my mind :
Keberanian .
Kesabaran .
Ketahanan .
Berfikiran Positif .
Bla3 . 2 group had to bumping because of kesalahan kecil yang sengaja dibesarkan .
Then , we solat subuh .
After solat subuh , we have how many minutes i don't remember to take a nap .
After taking a nap , we can went in the tent to prepare for nothing .
*Something bad happen*
We had breakfast . It is roti and air teh .
Some breafing before naik gunung .
Yeahh ! We're gonna naik gunung !
All 10th Genesis must bring a bottle of mineral water .
Ouh ya , before that , we had to gulp some ketchup .
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Sungguh enak ditelan begitu saja . |
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On the way to start the pendakian . |
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Sikap buruk pelajar MRSM . |
Belum start daki dah minum air .
Ukaii . Tak layak kritik sebab aku pun sama .
Don't say yes .
Gunung ni sangat tinggi .
View dari puncak :

Semadd .
Then sampai sini , we all shouted ,
" Form3 2012 seratus peratus 8A , yeahhhh !!!! "
Then , to the puncak yang really2 puncak , kami rehat .
Sambil ate cikgu Ku Li punya fried rice .

Hikkkhokk >_<
Suddenly , they say , where is the boys ?
Belakangg lagi . So ?
B-bring the boys out .
Yeahh . tibe tibe budak laki dah tibe .
Start laa penurunan kitorang .
OMG , cerunnnn . Aizat jatuh . Shameless .
Dah turun je , kami dihumban ke dalam mesin kumbahan air .
Ehh , takyah mencebik laa kau .
Tipu je . Bukan kumbahan .
Yang penting kotor .

See ? We all have to rendam kepala tahu !
Turn budak laki rendam kepala , pompuan kena kira sampai lima .
Begitu juga sebaliknya .
Masa budak laki , kitorang kalau boleh nak kira laju2 atas dasar kasihan .
Tapi masa kitorang , budak laki kira lembap2 macam siput ba alif ba ya .
Jadi dasar kasihan tadi ditukar kepada dasar nak cepat balik kem .
Then , we have to slow jog to the campsite .
Mati r kesah apa time tuh i just can lenggang kangkung because too tired .
Sampai je , semua take wudu' and solat zuhur .
We can take a nap again .
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Tidur ikut saf . Well . 10th Genesis =..= |
A looooooooong nap .
Then someone special woke us up to teruskan next activity .

Water Confidence .
The best activity sepanjang kem selain treasure hunt .
This time , we have to wore life jacket and
Did superman style on the sea .
I feel like want to fly in the sky
Because the seawater is too bitter =..=
After the water confidence ,
We can take our bath and solat asar .
Ouhh . First time bathed sepanjang kem .
Then makan .
Makan ikot group .
One group 4 person .

Till here . Esok sambung part treasure hunt and insyallah terus ke last part .
yeah,..! ser0n0k..! :)