Kem Jati Diri . 10th Genesis punya ! Sambungan Day 2 !
Assalamualaikum !
Had read the latest post about our Kem Jati Diri ?
Ukaii . We sambung about the night we have to treasure hunt .
Ukaii . We sambung about the night we have to treasure hunt .
Mengikut group buah ,
Kami dicampak tiga biji kelapa dan dipaksa mengopek / mengupas sabut nya .

See ? Like that laa .
The first group to win is group LIMAU , well .
Dengan jasa baik encik paanstylo , encik ikhmalstylo , encik muzstylo , encik hakimstylo ,
encik hadistylo dan cik hikmahstylo , cik achastylo , cik ermastylo , cik qillastylo ,
cik najwastylo , cik aimistylo , cik winastylo .
Wee , bangga tak group Limau ? ngehngehngeh .
Ukaii , back to the topic .
After the process of pengupasan sabut kelapa proceed ,
We had to go to a cikgu to take the first question .
This first question needed bla3 tiang lampu bla3 .
After answered the question , we got to go to the first checkpoint !
Ustazah Ishqi was there .
She checked the answer and when we got right ,
She gave us a box called amanah .
The group that had amanah must take care of the amanah and don't give anybody else .
Ouh ! The three coconut is the amanah too .
After we got the amanah and the question , we have to think the answer .
The question ask ,
" Harimau mati meninggalkan belang ,
Manusia mati meninggalkan nama ,
Sotong mati meninggalkan ?"
Yeahh . The answer is Tulang .
When we had the answer , ran to the second checkpoint .
The question ask to bring the answer in solid to the second checkpoint .
But for some careless group like Limau , we didn't bring the tulang sotong to the checkpoint .
We got scolded and the gentleboys from Limau had to run back to the beach and searched for it .
After get a kecik besor kecik besor punya tulang sotong ,
The teacher from this second checkpoint with abang atep gave us the next question .
The question sounds like a gadis must have this sikap in flower .
Faham ? Tak faham go die .
The answer is semalu .
We had to find the semalu and the scientific name for sure .
After got the semalu , we ran to the third checkpoint .
Ustaz aziz was there with brader Jiman .
This is the longest time taken for Limau staying there because we made a mistake .
To get the clues from Ustaz we have to do anything .
Kalau tak , Ustaz wanted the coconuts . I am so angry !
Then Limau just joget jambatan goyang2 and the zapin and the bla3 ,
Najwastylo meneka , PUDICA !
Yeah , we got right !
Everybody cheers and say , bye ustaz happily after ustaz gave the next question .
We got Sudoku !

Every group did it sama2 .
After berjaya made the sudoku , ran to fourth checkpoint .
Miss akmal in the tent .
She checked the checkpoint and gave us the next task .

This checkpoint , we have double task .
First , we have to make 2 rangkap pantun consist of this 4 words ,
bintang .
bulan .
pantai .
pasir .
And we have to present in front of miss akmal .
The next task is to find 10 cangkerang daripada 5 jenis cangkerang yang berlainan .
So , we divided into two .
The boys will finding for the cangkerang .
And the girls will make the pantun .
After for a short while , my Limau group had arrived and we baca the pantun sama2 .
Passed and we ran to the last checkpoint .
Miss elly , Miss rina , Kak anis and Kak c-noe was there .
They ask us to show what we had .
This careless limau ter-show sekali amanah kecuali kelapa safe in my hand .
We scolded again and now i know ,
No teacher like careless students .
wattahell , they gave us a question .
A page of math question .
Really difficult . I don't like math , fyi .
After a long time taken , i mean the 28 times tried ,
We all hampir putus asa and Ustaz Lah came and helped us .
We all kembali bersemangat and energetic and we got the answer !
Ouh , i see other group is still trying and calculating .
Teruskan kawan kawan .
After checked the answer , we tried to ask back for the amanah .
The gave us the clues for the harta karun .
We tried again to ask for the amanah .
They scolded us ! Shouting and all about .
Again , I aku redha aku pasrah aku redha aku pasrah .
Tapi my group members semua like full of kesabaran ,
Takpe , wina . kita group first .
Ouh , gitu ea ? Ukaii .
We all ran to the campsite and searched for the harta karun .
The clue said , sekita kawasan di mana tempat orang berkumpul tapi seorang sahaja berani berdiri .
We thought it was surau .
We found a handset yang no sim and yes batery .
We took that and hampir keluar ke checkpoint tadi .
But suddenly !
Aimistylo shouted , '' Guys ! I found a box ! OMG !"
Ukaii , tak segedik tu sebenarnya .
Takpe kita menaip , imaginasi kena tinggi .
Then , Ikhmalstylo whereas masa tu sedang pegang hadset tu ,
Buntu and do know what to do
We throw the hadset and brought the box to checkpoint last tadi .
We brought our harta karun and show off to everyone and say kami dah jumpa .
Dah tunjuk kat cikgu apa semua ,
We tried again begging for amanah .
Siren bunyi tanda masa dah habis and Limaustylo got the harta karun .
We still begging for the amanah and ignore the siren .
Again , we've scolded .
Pergi ! Masa dah tamat ! Rawrrrr !
Ahh takut .
Redha , pasrah , Limausttylo masuk .
And we kena ceramah .
And we kena tangan on the ground and make a 'v' terbalik shape .
Ustaz Lah magi sepatah dua kata .
And now i realize , esok balik maktabunn .
Tiada pokok nanas yang akan berbuah pokok lain .
Kalau masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kiri itu namanya tembus .
Fine , sumpah ngantuk time tu .
Pastu all the teachers gave us time 2 hours to sleep .
We sleep in the tent .
For girls , we lapik guna kain batik .
For boys , surely i don't know .
2 hours later , everybody saling woke up .
Wake up and terus solat subuh .
Qiamullail dibatalkan because some of us woke up soo late .
So we continued with breakfast .
After breakfast , we teruskan dengan last activity .
The activity is ...
... to be continued ..
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