
After a few of hard work done 😋
Presenting y'all, our blog's new face!
It was so hard, guys.
Susah gila 😂
Sebab aku dah tinggal lama dah blog-blog ni,
everything seems so .... confusing.
The old days were easier.
Dulu banyak bloggers bagi template lawa untuk blog.
Tapi sekarang mana ada orang blogging lagi.
Aku je. Hahahaha.
I can leave this blog sampai bila bila pun.
Tapi I don't want because I looooove this blog. Gitu.
Sebenarnya kan, awkward gila sekarang ni.
Talking here is like talking to you guys.
I am not as bising as dulu.
Walaupun takde lah bising mana 😜
Tapi I know the old me lagi open to everyone.
Bila baca balik our old post, aku pun tak faham macam mana aku boleh gather everyone to read this blog.
I literally FORCED everyone hahahaha.
Sekarang I am in my own world, not reaching you guys out.
Its me who forgets you guys or you guys forget me.
Imagination : contacting everyone back, asking for life update so I can update here.
Tahu tak, when I wrote latest post.
I did not expect anyone to read the post.
I did not even expect anyone to still view blogs pun.
But hello, the latest post got quite a number of viewers.
Which shocked me, padahal post pasal blog under construction je pun.
Did you guys accidentally clicked this blog's link somewhere?
What surprised me is, ada a post from this blog yang reached more than 2000 viewers.
Gila la hahaha.
2000 is a normal number to bigger blogs.
Tapi 2000 viewers untuk blog yang sunyi sepi ni? Tak ke WOW gitu.
I wish blogger let the author sees siapa yang view blog ni.
Sadly, we can only see how many people view our blog posts.
Anywhere, if it happens that you guys are reading this.
For whatever reason you guys had on mind,
thank you so much for still reading or even viewing this blog.
I appreciate it so much.
Even though there's only one person reading, I'll keep writing for that one person.
Ok thats all that I can post for now.
Self-promote 👇
Find me on Instagram : wnwina